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Body Image And Media Standards

Beauty Pageants: A Source of Body Image Issues for Women

Body Image and Media Standards

Media images of women who embody traditional standards of beauty tend to affect women's satisfaction with their own bodies. This is especially true for young women, who are more likely to compare themselves to these images and feel inadequate. Beauty pageants are annual events that take place all over the world, and they often feature women who are considered to be the most beautiful in their respective countries. These events can send the message that a certain type of body is the ideal, and this can lead to body image issues for women who do not fit that ideal.

The Impact of Beauty Pageants on Women's Body Image

In this paper, we explore gender differences in strategic sophistication and study whether women are more likely to engage in strategic behavior than men in beauty contests. We describe and analyze Beauty-contest experiments run in newspapers in the UK, Spain, and Germany and find stable gender differences in strategic sophistication. These results suggest that women may be more likely to engage in strategic behavior than men in beauty contests, and this may have implications for the design of future contests.
